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Top Import Praise and Worship Songs and CDs

Check out the top import songs and CDs at These imported songs and CDs come from the artists from around the world.
\n"; do { $gettitle=mysql_query("select title, artist from cds where cdnum='$get[0]'",$db); if ($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)) { echo "\n"; do { $covernum=substr($get[0], 2, 6); if ($got[1]) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } while($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)); echo "
$got[0] - $got[1]
\n"; } } while($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)); echo "
List More CDs
\n"; } else { echo "CD charts temporarily offline
\n"; } echo "
\n"; $getlist=mysql_query("select songnum, value from pusgcharts where songnum like 'sg86%' order by value desc limit 0,20",$db); if($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)) { echo "Top 20 Import Songs at PraiseUniverse
\n"; do { $gettitle=mysql_query("select title, author from songs where songnum='$get[0]'",$db); if ($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)) { do { if($got[1]) { echo "$got[0] by $got[1]
\n"; } else { echo "$got[0]
\n"; } } while($got=mysql_fetch_row($gettitle)); } } while($get=mysql_fetch_row($getlist)); echo "
List More Songs
\n"; } else { echo "Song charts temporarily offline.
\n"; } ?>
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